Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Homework Board 1/9-1/13

Whoops! I erased Monday's agenda before I took the photo! Sorry! Believe me when I say it was packed with activities, having just come back from vacation! 

Unit Workpackets are to be worked on in class AND at home! A Unit Workpacket is handed out when we start the unit and is due, completed, the day we take the unit test. The pages are not done in order, but Reading skill pages are in the front of the packet and Grammar skill pages are in the back. There are usually a few pages that can't be done because we didn't get to a story in the book, but by and large, they all should be completed. Some pages have story titles on the top but only because they use examples from a story to demonstrate a reading skill or concept. A lot of kids will say they can't do it because they haven't read the story, but they can do it, they just haven't read the directions. In the back of each Unit Workpacket there are a number of grammar pages that can be completed at any time.