Sunday, February 26, 2012

Homework Board 2/27-3/2

7th grade students have a Unit 4 test this Wednesday. Their Unit 4 Work Packets are due the same day. We will be working on them in class, but they will need to finish them at home. Let's see how many can turn them in on time!

The big news coming up is next week's California State Writing Test on Tuesday, March 6th. Make sure your son or daughter gets plenty of sleep Monday night and a nutritious breakfast Tuesday morning. The test will start at 8:30 a.m. in the MUB and takes about an hour and a half. We don't know what kind of writing prompt they will get, so quiz your child on the various essay formats we have practiced this year.

Finally, next Friday, March 9th, to celebrate all their hard work, we will have our Third Annual End of the Writing Test Celebration! This is an entirely student run affair at lunchtime in our classroom! You would be amazed at how they've matured since September! It is a special rite of passage for them to organize, carry out, and clean up after this special celebration! We are all very excited!